
More on Semmy Reikerk

The rescuers also possessed another characteristic, one that we can emulate: Compassion. They were holy busybodies. They noticed when a Jewish family moved suddenly from their home: they noticed when Jewish children disappeared from the school; they noticed when storekeepers posted special hours when Jews were allowed to buy groceries. More than notice, they acted on it and found a way to help.

As I worked on the book, something in me began to change. I began to see the homeless living near me, and I forced myself to look into the eyes of these lost people to remind us both of our common humanity. No matter what I suffer or fear, I can still listen, with compassion, to those close to me who have lost a job, are going through a divorce or facing serious illness.



Semmy Reiekerk with Lientje
A nine month old Jewish baby Joop brought home to live with them.
